FMIT 2025 Conference

FMIT 2025

Forum for Materials Innovation and Technology 2025

Feb 01-04, 2025

Hokkaido, Japan

About the Event

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is with great enthusiasm that we announce the Forum for Materials Innovation and Technology 2025 (FMIT 2025), which will take place from February 1 to February 4, 2025. This highly anticipated event will bring together a dynamic community of leading scientists, promising young researchers, and aspiring students from around the globe.

FMIT 2025 will serve as a premier platform for sharing cutting-edge discoveries, pioneering methodologies, and transformative advancements in the field of materials science and technology. This forum promises a vibrant exchange of ideas, fostering collaborations that drive innovation and inspire future breakthroughs.

Join us at FMIT 2025 to immerse yourself in a diverse program featuring keynote lectures, technical sessions, and poster presentations. Whether you are presenting your work, seeking insights from esteemed experts, or building networks with peers, this event offers unparalleled opportunities for professional growth and meaningful engagement.

On behalf of the organizing committee, we extend our heartfelt invitation for you to participate in FMIT 2025. Your contributions, whether through presentations, discussions, or simply your presence, will be instrumental in shaping the success of this conference.

We look forward to your participation and are excited to have you join us at FMIT 2025. Your active participation is the key to the success of this conference.

Yours Sincerely,

FMIT 2025 Committee

Conference Topics

1. Structure Materials and Functional Coatings (metals, ceramics, and composites)
2. Materials for Energy (saving, conversion, transfer, storage) and Environment plus Electrochemistry
2-1. Photovoltaics
2-2. Rechargeable Batteries and Fuel Cells
2-3. Materials for Thermal Management and Thermal Energy Utilization
2-4. Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications
3. Optics and Photonic Materials
4. Electronics, Magnetics and Nanomaterials
5. Polymer Science and Molecular Chemistry
6. Organic Materials and Biomaterials
7. Theory, Characterization and Computational Modeling of Materials

Highlighted Presenters from Past Conference Series

Prof. Michael K.H. LEUNG

City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Prof. Hiroshi ASANUMA

Chiba University, Japan

Prof. Tatsuya NABESHIMA

University of Tsukuba, Japan

Prof. Yeong-Tarng SHIEH

NUK, Taiwan

Prof. Wallace LEUNG

PolyU, Hong Kong

Prof. Kiyotaka SASAGAWA

NAIST, Japan

Prof. Tsung Yen TSAI

CYCU, Taiwan

Prof. Yong Soo CHO

Yonsei University, Korea

Prof. Akihiro YAMASAKI

Seikei University, Japan

Prof. Jae-Seung LEE

Korea University, Korea

Prof. Tatsuo KANEKO

JAIST, Japan

Prof. Hideki KITA

Nagoya University, Japan

Prof. Guigen LI

Texas Tech University, USA

Prof. Dukjoon KIM

Sungkyunkwan University, Korea

Prof. Vincent B.C TAN

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Prof. Tohru HIGUCHI

Tokyo University of Science, Japan

Prof. Po-Chun CHEN

NTUT, Taiwan

Prof. Heng-Liang WU

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Prof. Xingmao JIANG

Wuhan Institute of Technology, China

Prof. Ya YANG

BINN, CAS, China

Prof. Yiyong MAI

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Photo Album from Past Conference Series

Event Schedule

Time SAT, 02/01 SUN, 02/02 MON, 02/03 TUE, 02/04
09:00-10:15 Conference Registration Oral Presentation
10:15-10:30 Coffee & Tea Break
10:30-12:00 Oral Presentation
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break
13:00-14:30 Oral Presentation
14:30-14:45 Pre-session networking event
(by invitation only)
Coffee & Tea Break
14:45-17:00 Oral Presentation Poster Session
18:00-20:00   Banquet  

About the Organizers and Sponsors

Prof. Shih-Chieh HSU

Tamkang University, Taiwan

Prof. Shigeo

Tokyo University of Science, Japan

Dr. Yingxue

Beihang University, China

Prof. Satomi NIWAYAMA

Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan

Prof. Setsuko KOURA

Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan

Call for the abstract

Guidelines for the Individual Abstract Structure:

1. Title of presentation: Please choose a brief title (maximum of 100 characters) that clearly indicates the content of the contribution. Please avoid abbreviations in the title. Abbreviations may be used in the text if they are defined when first used.

2. Preference: For presentation in a poster session, oral session or both.

3. Session: Please choose one of the sessions.

4. Principal author: Name, title, email address and affiliation information. In instances of multiple authorship, the person whose name is listed first is expected to deliver the presentation.

5. Co-authors: Their names, title, email address, their institution/business information.

6. Abstract: Please ensure that your abstract contains no more than 300 words. Please avoid diagrams, illustrations, tables, references or graphics in the abstract. Provide maximum relevant information in the abstract and if the subject matter is empirical, the following structure is obligatory: The objective, methods, results, conclusions.